Jam Kerja 0.9.00 - 17.00 WIB, Senen - Sabtu


Travel Like Local in Gili & Lombok Island

Book your journey with us—ferry, speedboat, bus tickets, car rentals, and travel agency services all in one place for seamless adventures!

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Why Choose Us

Discover Gili and Lombok with confidence on Gilimaps.com—the exclusive official travel agency site offering unbeatable prices and exceptional service for your perfect getaway!

Affordable Prices

Get the best deals without breaking the bank!

Official Agents

Book with confidence through certified professionals!

Top-Notch Service!

Enjoy premium service that exceeds expectations!


Experience the best with us—where every trip is cost-effective, handled by certified agents, and delivered with outstanding service.


Get your ferry tickets now from the official ticketing site. Secure the best prices and enjoy an unbeatable travel experience!


Drive your adventure with our car rentals and bus transport—convenient, affordable, and always on time!


Explore the world with our unbeatable tour and travel packages—adventures await!

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